Returns & exchanges

  • I gladly accept returns and exchanges of any print products - see here for details

Image use

  • Digital image licenses are tailored to required use, and policies will be made clear before any transaction.

  • For commissioned shoots image use policies will be agreed before quote accepted.


The Client will be required to complete a Booking Form, on receipt of the booking form, Niven Photography will send an email as confirmation. The booking will then be considered confirmed. Niven Photography will then not accept any other work from other clients for those times and dates

As a result, once a booking is Confirmed, if it is subsequently cancelled, a cancellation fee will be charged to the client according to the following schedule:

  • When a client cancels a confirmed booking within 10 business days of any confirmed date a fee of 30% of the booked time rate will be charged

  • When a client cancels photography within less than 10 business days of any confirmed date, a fee of 50% of the booked time rate will be charged

  • When a client cancels photography within less than 3 business days of any confirmed date, a fee of 75% of the booked time rate will be charged

  • In addition to this cancellation fee, the client will be charged for any expenses already incurred by Niven Photography

If, with the agreement of the client, Niven Photography cancels a shoot due to inclement weather/lighting conditions or any other reason beyond Niven Photography’s control, and the client is unable or unwilling to arrange or agree a suitable new date within either a reasonable and mutually agreed timescale OR 1 calendar month, then the client will be liable to pay 50% of the booked time rate plus any expenses already incurred by Niven Photography.

Email communication constitutes a contract in law, unless the Client specifically states they will not accept this and instead provides hardcopy paperwork of all relevant agreements and contracts.


  • Payment terms are strictly 28 days (four weeks) from date of invoice unless agreed in advance and in writing. Payment by BACS is preferred and bank details will be provided on our invoice (Paypal also available).

  • Images cannot be used before invoice is paid in full

  • A fee of £25 will be made for each account reminder, duplicate invoice, or any other paperwork, correspondence or phone calls involved with the pursuance of a debt. This fee is non-refundable, and represents the additional time spent pursuing overdue invoices


  • I am confident you will be happy with your images, if however there something you are not 100% happy with - I will work with you to remedy the situation and guarantee service satisfaction.

  • Unless a rejection fee has been agreed in advance, there is no right to reject on the basis of style, composition or editing.


It is the Client who must satisfy themselves that all necessary rights, model releases or consents which may be required for reproduction, are obtained and it is acknowledged that Niven Photography gives no warranty or undertaking that any such rights, model releases or consents have or will be obtained whether in relation to the use of names, people, trade marks, registered or copyright designs or works of art depicted in any picture. In the event that the picture is issued or reproduced by or with the authority of the Client then the Client shall indemnify Niven Photography against any loss or damage, proceedings or costs where such rights, releases or consents have not been obtained.